Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Calling all ?Suckers for Hot Women on Bicycles? (TCTV)

For the last few days we've been getting a series of increasingly loopy emails from a startup in Sweden asking us to write about their launch. (See photo to the left.) I realize this post may be the beginning of a slippery slope of relentless pitches from Scandinavians that ends up with someone breaking into my house to bring me a pitch and a latte. But what the hell? I like lattes and TechCrunch was a site built on giving exposure to persistent, gutsy entrepreneurs building things because they wanted them to exist in the world and the series of very persistent pitches from Peter Sullivan of Vacation Relation epitomized that. So I did one better than a post and invited Sullivan on TechCrunchTV to talk about his company. Running on fumes from three days coding and no sleep, he didn't disappoint.


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