Sunday, September 19, 2010

Google Adds Instant To Chrome Labs In Chromium (Windows Only, For Now)

Google Instant is great -- but I rarely use it. Why? Because I simply don't go to that often. That's not to say I don't search Google a lot -- I do -- I just use the Omnibox in Chrome for almost all of my searches. When Google launched Instant, they noted that it would be added to browser for people like me "in the next few months". Well, guess what? It only took them 9 days.

Granted, Google has only enabled Instant as a Chrome Labs, and they have only enabled it for Chromium, the open source browser that Chrome is based on. But most features that come to Chromium, usually find their way to Chrome in relatively short order -- though they have to then travel through the different levels of Chrome itself (dev then beta then stable). Sadly, this feature is Windows-only for the time being as well.

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