Monday, September 20, 2010

Best of Smartphone Experts, 19 Sept 2010

Samsung Galaxy Tab/Media Hub event: Coming to all 4 major U.S. carriers; Wifi-only Galaxy Tab is coming; hands-on with Media Hub on the Galaxy Tab; bonus interview
Fruit Ninja now on Android
Android app picks of the week

Unofficial BlackBerry 6 firmware now available for the BlackBerry Bold 9650!
CrackBerry App Award Nominees Announced - Vote Now!!!
Research in Motion Q2 Fiscal Results Announced

Nokia World: Hands on with X3, N8, E7
Nokia World: Will the US ever understand Nokia?
Nokia World: Hands on with C6, C7
Nokia World: Hands on with E7, E7 specifications

Sprint finally cuts Pre, Pixi pricing
webOS 1.4.5 for Verizon, AT&T
Fennec / Firefox ported to webOS

iOS 4.2 for iPad walkthrough - everything you need to know
Google Voice returns to iPhone
iTunes 10 walkthrough - iPod nano (2010) review

Samsung Focus and HTC Surround
Netflix and Twitter on Windows Phone 7
HTC Sense for WP7 Leaks

Posted originally at Android CentralSponsored by Android Cases and Accessories

New Jersey Devils New York Islanders New York Rangers

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